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Advocate: Protect the Places You Love

Come visit the spring environmental educational pop up, Advocate: Protect The Places You Love!

Many people don't know the stories of why so many wild and open spaces exist in West Marin or what environmental advocacy organizations like EAC do. We thought this was an opportunity to provide information on the conservation history of the area.

Since 1971, we have been uniting people, policy, and science to save vital ecosystems, defend environmental laws, demand accountability from leaders, find solutions to problems, and mobilize community action around complex issues.

Our newest display highlights six conservation and advocacy stories about Bolinas Lagoon, Tomales Bay, Estero Americano, Tomales Dunes, Drakes Estero, and Duxbury Reef for the general public to learn about EAC's work and why it matters to get involved as environmental advocates to help protect the places vou love.

Thank you to our friends and partners who donated their time and photography to our exhibit to tell this story. Thank you Carlos Porrata, Richard Blair and Kathleen Goodwin, Sarah Killingsworth, Mairi Pileggi, Patricia Neubacher, and the Wildlands Conservancy. The event is sponsored by Unicorn Printing and the generous contributions made to celebrate our 50th Anniversary in 2021.

Learn more through the link in our bio or visit advocate-protect-what-you-love

#EAC #WestMarin #ProtectWhatYouLove

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