Marin 9 to 25 Quarterly Meeting: December 2021

Thank you to those who were able to attend Marin 9 to 25’s second held quarterly meeting, which met virtually on December 15, 2021. There was a great turnout, with 61 participants, including 13 youth between the ages of 9 and 25. The event was hosted and facilitated by Marin 9 to 25 youth co-chair Talia Harter. The theme of the meeting was “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”, and programs were highlighted that seek to close the equity gaps in Marin. 

Cameron Hunter, Senior Director of Strategy and Operations at Marin Promise Partnership presented the Keynote and gave an overview of evidence-based decision making, with a focus on how partners are using data to drive change on behalf of students and families of color. “We firmly believe that data should be broken down with sufficient detail to understand the experience of different groups,” he said, “Too often, the narrative in Marin does not focus on severe pockets of inequity and we as a partnership are working to shine a light on that.” The Partnership looks at data through the lens of seeks to improve outcomes for students of color through their systems level progress report, and by looking at both quantitative and narrative data. 

The discussion around diversity, equity and inclusion continued in our lightning round, where we heard from direct service organizations that demonstrate these principles in their work with youth. Andrea Rivas Iraheta from the Canal Alliance[External] presented on the Opportunities for Youth Program, which aims to provide unaccompanied minor youth with services and support for their integration into the community. Key successes from this project include providing mentorship, creating a soccer team, and a girls support group. Bettie Hodges from The Hannah Project talked about the Freedom School, which grew out of the Civil Rights Movement and aims to provide learning support for children of color. Literacy is their cornerstone, as Bettie emphasized “Reading, reading, reading” and “Books, books, and more books”. 

The lightning rounds continued with Kevin Wright from Marin County Parks, who presented the Breathe/Respira project, which partners with community organizations to expand visitor services and outreach to underserved communities. “I’m fired up,” Kevin exclaimed as he began the presentation and highlighted their successes and the launch of the Parks Equity Roundtable. Samantha Ramirez from the Youth Leadership Institute presented on the Marin County Youth Commission, which seeks to provide a political voice for youth in Marin County, particularly those in underserved populations. The focuses of subgroups in the Commission include ATOD, education equity, mental health, and LGBTQIA+. All of the lightning round presenters emphasized the importance of partnerships- with other organizations, parents, volunteers, community leaders, and peers- as critical in achieving outcomes for youth. 
Following the lightning rounds, Talia Harter and Marin 9 to 25 advisors Mo Denieva Marsh and Samantha Klein highlighted key achievements in the “Marin 9 to 25 Year in Review”, where they highlighted accomplishments, engagement, and workgroup achievements (see below). Next steps for the coalition include expanding the reach of Marin 9 to 25 throughout the community, engaging a youth intern to support the work, and developing a comprehensive website that will serve as a repository for youth ages 9 to 25 and those who serve them.

The meeting concluded with workgroup updates and community announcements. Please send feedback, lightning round suggestions, and community announcements (job opportunities, meetings, events, etc.) to

Please find the recording of the meeting here.

Please find the meeting slides here.

If you are a person with a disability and require an accommodation to participate in a County program, service, or activity, requests may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice), Dial 711 for CA Relay, or by email at least five business days in advance of the event. We will do our best to fulfill requests received with less than five business days’ notice. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats upon request.

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